Under the hood view into papermachine process

- Realtime moisture profiles in any paper machine location
- Dewatering and drying efficiency for energy benchmarking
- Detection of wet streaks
- Realtime detection and classification of wet and dry spots/streaks
- Realtime detection of foreign materials
- Identification of invisible sheet break origins
- Visibility in steamy locations
- Can be installed in any paper machine location
- Single LWIR camera can be used for all ThermoVision analyses
- Multi-camera systems are most effective for process troubleshooting and improvements
- Outputs for process monitoring, thresholding, control and AI runnability predictions
- Substantial reduction of paper machine operating cost with savings in energy, better equipment management and higher quality paper with fewer sheet breaks and rejects
- New data for maximizing paper machine performance
- AI for prediction of runnability issues
- Reinvention of papermachine video system functionality
ThermoVision Systems

ThermoVision Profiler
- Realtime moisture profiles in any paper machine location mapped to profiling equipment
- Dewatering and drying efficiency for energy benchmarking
- Detection of wet streaks

Corrugator ThermoVision
- Cameras can be installed in any key corrugator locations
- Single camera can process multiple profiles and perform multiple analyses
- Multi-camera systems allow for process optimization and improvements
Single Facer 1
Single Facer 2
Top Liner after Triple Stack
Bottom Liner after Triple Stack
Medium after Triple Stack
Double Backer
Warp camera after Slitters (visual)

ThermoVision Defects
- Invisible defects can cause sheet breaks and downstream convertibility and printability issues
- Realtime detection and classification of wet and dry spots/streaks
- Realtime detection of foreign materials

Integration with DVRX
- Identification of invisible sheet break origins
- Visibility in steamy locations
- Monitoring and prediction of sheet breaks and runnability issues